- Dec 2, Institute Colloquium, Rényi Institute of Mathematics, Budapest
- Nov 5, “What is Life?” lecture, Trinity College, Dublin
- 30 September- 4 October The P=W conjecture in non-Abelian Hodge theory, Clay Institute, Oxford
- 9-13 September, Alpine Algebraic Geometry, Obergurgl
- 8-12 July, Moduli of Higgs bundles and Langlands program, Moduli conference, Simons Institute, Stony Brook
- 1-5 July, Conference on arithmetic geometry and applications, ICTP, Trieste
- 27 June, Mathematical physics colloquium, Center for mathematical physics, Hamburg
- 10-14 June, EPIGA 2024 conference, IHP Paris
- 1-5 April, Arbeitsgemeinschaft: Geometry and Representation Theory around the P=W Conjecture, Oberwolfach
- December 11-16, Geometry Conference: 50 years of Nigel Hitchin’s Mathematics, Miami (talk on zoom)
- December 12, Arbeitsgemeinschaft Diskrete Mathematik, Vienna
- October 25, Algebra and Geometry seminar, University of Graz
- October 9-13, Vector bundles and combinatorial algebraic geometry, Frankfurt
- September 11-15, Mathematics- String theory seminar, IPMU, Tokyo
- September 4-8, Geometry of moduli space of Higgs bundles, KIAS, Seoul
- April 24-28, The Hitchin system, Langlands duality and mirror symmetry, ICMAT Madrid
- April 14, Ngô Bào Châu’s seminar, Collège de France, Paris
- February 20-24, Conference to honor Hiraku Nakajima for his 60th birthday, Kyoto university (talk on zoom)
- January 30, Geometry and Analysis Seminar, Oxford
- December 12-16, Geometric representation theory and quantum topology, Paris
- December 5-6, Proof of the P=W conjecture, ICTP Trieste
- December 2, Emmy-Noether-seminar, Erlangen
- November 29, Representation theory and automorphic forms seminar, University of Vienna
- September 12-16, Conference in honour of Oscar Garcia-Prada on the occasion of his 60th birthday, ICMAT Madrid
- July 11-14, Number theory and algebraic geometry, ICM sectional workshop, ETH Zürich
- June 6-10, Helvetic Algebraic Geometry seminar, Les Diablerets
- May 6, Ubiquity of systems of homogenous polynomial equations with a unique solution, U. Kansas
- April 7, Ubiquity of systems of homogenous polynomial equations with a unique solution, Chapel Hill
- February 28, Fixed point scheme as spectrum of equivariant cohomology and Kirillov algebras, UBC – ETH
- November 3, Hitchin map as spectrum of equivariant cohomology, CMSA Colloquium, Harvard
- October 21, Hitchin map as spectrum of equivariant cohomology, Perimeter Institute
- October 7, Explicit Hitchin system on Lagrangians, M-seminar, Kansas State
- September, A conference in celebration of the 60th Birthday of Bill Crawley-Boevey, Manchester
- August, International Congress on Mathematical Physics, Geneva
- March 31, Geometry seminar ICMAT, Madrid
- March 9, Representation Theory and Automorphic Forms, University of Vienna
- February 22, Western Hemisphere Colloquium on Geometry and Physics
- February, Cohomology of moduli spaces, SwissMAP Research Station in Les Diablerets,
- February, Quiver varieties , character varieties and DT-invariants, IHP, Paris
- 29 July- 2 August, Conference on “Geometry, integrability and Moduli”, Bonn
- 22-26 July, Geometric and analytic aspects of moduli spaces, Hannover
- 4-7 June, Algebraic Analysis and Geometry with a view on Higgs bundles and D-modules, Porto
- 12-18 May, Geometry and Physics of Higgs Bundles, Oberwolfach
- 6 April, Conference on “Moduli in Budapest “ , Renyi Institute Budapest
- 4-8 February, Representation theory, gauge theory and integrable systems, Kavli IMPU, Tokyo
- 14-18 January, Dan Freed’s 60 birthday conference, Austin
- 7-11 January, Taipei Conference in Representation Theory VI, Taipei
- 22-27 October, Workshop “Harmonic maps and Higgs theory” HSE, Moscow
- 24-26 September, CMI at 20, Oxford
- 21-22 September, “Motivic and p-adic integration“, Geneva
- 10-14 September, Higgs bundles in mathematics and physics summer school, Hamburg
- 3-7 September, Geometric Correspondences of Gauge Theories, ESI Vienna
- 9-13 July, Summer School on Geometric Representation Theory, ISTA
- 4-7 June, Helvetic Algebraic Geometry Seminar, Konolfingen
- 10-12 July, Higgs bundles, K3 surfaces and moduli , Berlin
- 29 May, Higgs bundles and related topics, Nice
- 5 May, Categorical approach to rationality, ESI, Vienna
- 6-8 March, Irregular connections, character varieties and physics, Paris VII
- 13-14 March, Workshop on Enumerative Geometry, IHP Paris
- 13-17 February Hitchin system in mathematics and physics , Perimeter Institute, Waterloo
- Jan 30 – February 10, UT Austin
- 5-9 Dec, Algebraic Geometry and Integrable Systems, Kobe
- 5 October, Counting holes with Fourier transform, Matematisches Kolloquium, University of Vienna
- 26-30 Sep, Geometric representation theory and beyond, Clay Institute, Oxford
- 12-16 Sep, Hitchin 70: Celebrating 30 years of Higgs bundles and 15 years of generalized geometry, ICMAT, Madrid
- 9-11 Sep, Hitchin 70, Mathematical Institute, Oxford
- 5-8 Sep, Hitchin 70: Differential Geometry and Quantization, QGM, Aarhus
- Jan-Jun, Enumerative geometry of moduli spaces of sheaves in low dimension, CIB, Lausanne
- October, Moduli spaces in Geometry, CIRM, Luminy
- July-August, Metric and analytic aspects of moduli spaces, Cambridge
- July, AMS summer institute in Algebraic Geometry, Utah
- June, Conference on Geometric Analysis in honor of the 65th birthday of Tudor Ratiu, CIB, Lausanne
- May, Geometric unification from six dimensional physics, Banff
- April 9, Counting holes with Fourier transform, IST, Austria
- April 8, Algebraic Geometry and Differential Topology seminar, Renyi Institute, Budapest
- 19 November, DAHA, Hall algebras, torus knots and combinatorics
- 20 Jul- 8 Aug, The geometry, topology and physics of moduli spaces of Higgs bundles, Singapore
- 22 June-5 July, RIP in Oberwolfach
- 3 June, Seminar on Lie theory and moduli spaces, Geneva
- 28-30, Mirror symmetry, enumerative geometry and related topics, Pavia
- 23 May, Algebraic Geometry and Moduli Spaces seminar, ETH Zürich
- 22-25 April, Quantization of moduli spaces, Geneva
- 20 Dec, Colloquium, Fribourg
- 13 Dec, Beyond toric integrability, CIB, Lausanne
- 14 Oct, Advanced seminar in algebraic geometry, Zürich
- 30 Sep-4 Oct, Number theory and physics, Clay Institute, Oxford
- 27 June, Forschungseminar Algebraische Geometrie, Essen
- 17-21 June, DT-invariants, Paris
- 8-14 June, Moduli spaces and their invariants in mathematical physics, CRM, Montreal
- 2-7 June, Refined invariants in geometry, topology and string theory, BIRS, Banff
- 30 May-1 June, minicourse at Geometry and Physics, CRM, Montreal
- 14 May, Bonn – Cologne Number Theory and Physics Meeting, Bonn
- 11-15 March, Topology of moduli spaces and representations, Miraflores, Madrid
- 4 March, Inaugural lecture, EPFL
- 20-25 January, Winter School on the geometry of sheaves in low dimensions, Ascona
- 2012
- 15-18 October, Fields Medal Symposium in honour of Ngo Bao Chau, Fields Institute, Toronto
- 10-12- October, Geometry and topology of moduli, Humboldt University, Berlin
- 7 – 13 July, Representation Theory and Symplectic Algebraic Geometry, CIRM Luminy
- 25-29 June, “De la géométrie algébrique aux formes automorphes: une conférence en l’honneur de Gérard Laumon”, Orsay
- 30 May, Algebra and Geometry seminar, University of Rome “La Sapienza”
- 21-23 May, “Intégrales orbitales, fibration de Hitchin, et caractéres des groupes reductifs finis“, University of Caen
- 7-11 May, Motivic Donaldson-Thomas invariants and singularity theory, Renyi Institute, Budapest
- 15 May, Betti numbers of large hyperkahler manifolds, Topology seminar, EPF Lausanne
- 1 May, Positivity of Kac polynomials and DT-invariants of quivers, Group theory seminar, EPF Lausanne
- 10-14 April, Representation theory and Geometry, FIM, ETH Zurich
- 11-16 March, Advances in hyperkahler and holomorphic symplectic geometry, BIRS, Banff
- 9 March, “Arithmetic and physics in discrete algebraic geometry” Fejes-Tóth Lecture, Centre for Computational Discrete Geometry, University of Calgary
- 1 March, Pure Mathematics/Mathematical Physics seminar, University of Cardiff
- 12 January, Colloquium at Center for Mathematical Physics, Hamburg 2011
2011 - 9 Dec, Algebraic Geometry / Moduli seminar, ETH, Zurich
- 17 Oct, Symmetries of SL(n) Hitchin fibers, Geometry and Analysis seminar, Oxford
- 12-16 Sep, Conference on principal G-bundles, ICMAT, Madrid
- 18 July-5 Aug, Nonperturbative Effects and Dualities in QFT and Integrable Systems, KITP, Santa Barbara4-7 July, Gauge theory and complex geometry, University of Leeds
- 27-30 June, VBAC2011, closing conference of Moduli Spaces Newton Institute, Cambridge
- 9 June, Arithmetic and physics of Higgs moduli spaces, Seminaire de geometrie algebrique, Jussieu
- 23-28 May, Arithmetic and physics of Higgs moduli spaces, Moduli Spaces and Moduli Stacks, Columbia University
- 18-20 May, Equivariant Quantum Cohomology, Mirror Symmetry, and Symplectic Geometry, Simons Center, Stony Brook
- 25 March, Arithmetic and physics of Higgs moduli spaces, London topology and geometry seminar, Imperial College
- 14-18 March, Representations of Surface Groups and Higgs Bundles, Oxford; satellite workshop of Moduli Spaces Newton Institute, Cambridg
- 20-26 February, Quiver representations and cohomology of Hitchin fibers, Representation theory of quivers and finite dimensional algebras, Oberwolfach
2010 - 25-29 Oct, Simons lecture series (3 lectures) Stony Brook
- 18 Oct, From S-duality to the Fundamental Lemma, Geometry and Analysis seminar, Oxford
- 26-30 July, 4-5 lecture minicourse at Summer School on the Hitchin fibration, University of Bonn
- 19 April – 23 April, Simons lecture series (3 lectures) Stony Brook (cancelled due to flight restrictions – delivered by Simon Donaldson instead)
- 16 April, GQT colloquium at The Interface of Integrability and Quantization , Lorentz Center, Leiden
- 14 April, Arithmetic harmonic analysis on symplectic quotients, Colloquium, University of Amsterdam
- 1 April, Mirror symmetry, Langlands duality and the Hitchin system, Colloquium, Uttrecht
- 27 March – 17 April, visiting Geometry and Quantum Field theory cluster, University of Amsterdam
- 17-26 March, 5 lecture mini-course at school on Geometric Langlands and gauge theory, CRM Barcelona
- 24 February, Mirror symmetry, Langlands duality and the Hitchin system, Algebra, Geometry and Integrable Systems Colloquium, Leeds
- Hilary Term, Mirror symmetry, Langlands duality and the Hitchin system, 5 lecture mini-course in Mathematical Institute, Oxford
- 2009
- 22 December, Mirror symmetry, Langlands duality and the Hitchin system II, Algebraic Geometry and Differential Topology seminar, Renyi Institute, Budeapest
- 11 December, Mirror symmetry, Langlands duality and the Hitchin system, Mathematisches Kolloquium, University of Bonn
- 1 December, Habilitation Jury for Chaudouard, Orsay
- 5 November, Mirror symmetry, Langlands duality and the Hitchin system, COW seminar, Cambridge
- 27 October, Mirror symmetry, Langlands duality and the Hitchin system, Algebra Seminar, Edinburgh
- 12 October, Mirror symmetry, Langlands duality and the Hitchin system, Geometry and Analysis Seminar, Oxford
- 14-18 September, 3 lecture mini-course at Quiver varieties, Donaldson-Thomas invariants and instantons, CIRM Luminy
- 21 Aug – 13 September, visiting University of Montpellier
- 26 July-1 August, 4 lecture mini-course at Summer school on Geometry of Representations, Cologne
- June 22-26, workshop on Mirror symmetry, symplectic geometry and related topics, MIT
- April 22-23, University of Tokyo, geometry seminar: “Toric non-Abelian Hodge Theory”
- April 19-21, University of Kyoto
- April 12-18, Seoul National University, seminar:”Mirror symmetry and Langlands duality” , colloquium: “Arithmetic harmonic analysis on holomorphic symplectic quotients”
- 10 March, “Topology of the Hitchin map and the arithmetic of the character variety”, SAGA Orsay
- 18 February, “The Hitchin fibration” number theory study seminar, UCL, London
- 2008
- Nov 4, “Topology of the Hithin map and the arithmetic of the character variety”, Mathematical Physics seminar, Cambridge
- Oct 14, “Topology of the Hithin map and the arithmetic of the character variety” Geometry and Analysis seminar, Oxford
- Oct 10, “Topology of the Hithin map and the arithmetic of the character variety” Geometry Seminar, Edinburgh
- Oct 9, “Topology of the Hithin map and the arithmetic of the character variety”, Yorkshire-Durham geometry day, York
- Sep 23, “Arithmetic harmonic analysis on holomorphic symplectic quotients”, University of Geneva
- June 25-28,Conference on Moment Maps,Centre de Recerca Matemática, Barcelona
- June 19, Seminar Algebraic Geometry , MPI Bonn
- April 5-20 Research in Pairs with Letellier and Villegas, Oberwolfach
- March 12, London Number Theory seminar
- Jan 14-17 Conference on Mathematical Physics and Geometric Analysis, Fields Institute, Toronto
- 2007
- Dec 5, Pure Mathematics Colloquium, University of Sheffield
- Nov 15, “Toric Non-Abelian Hodge Theory”, Quaternionic structures in algebraic geometry, University of Glasgow
- Oct 15, “Toric Non-Abelian Hodge Theory”, Geometry and Analysis Seminar, University of Oxford
- June 10-Aug 10, Rényi Institute, Budapest, Hungary
- June 23 THÉORIE DE LIE, GÉOMÉTRIE ET REPRÉSENTATIONS, Colloque International, Institut de Mathématiques de Jussieu, Paris, France
- June 18-22 Geometry and TQFT Aarhus, Denmark
- June 4-8, Arithmetic harmonic analysis on character and quiver varieties, American Institute of Mathematics, Palo Alto, California
- 2006
- Dec 1, Kac’s conjectures on quiver representations via arithmetic harmonic analysis, Algebraic Geometry seminar, Columbia University
- Oct 9, Arithmetic of the Riemann-Hilbert monodromy map, Geometry seminar, University of Oxford
- Oct 3, Kac’s conjectures on quiver representations via arithmetic harmonic analysis, Algebraic Geometry seminar, University of Oxford
- Sep 14, Mixed Hodge polynomials of character varieties, Trinity College, Dublin
- Sep 4-8, “S-duality in hyperkähler Hodge theory” Madrid, Geometry Conference in honour of Nigel Hitchin
- Aug, “Kac’s conjectures on quiver representations via arithmetic harmonic analysis” (in Hungarian), Algebraic Geometry seminar, Rényi Institute , Budapest
- Jan, “Kac’s conjectures on quiver representations via arithmetic harmonic analysis”, GADGET seminar UT Austin
- 2005
- December 6, Nagoya University
- November 28 -December 10, Department of Mathematics, Kyoto University, visiting Hiraku Nakajima
- November 24, Geometry seminar, University of Edinburgh
- November 23, Joint Algebra and Geometry and Topology seminar University of Glasgow
- November 21, Algebra seminar, University of Leeds
- November 17, Representation theory seminar, University of Oxford
- November 11,” Cohomology of hyperkahler manifolds via arithmetic harmonic analysis” Topology and Geometry seminar, Imperial College, London
- November 9, Geometry seminar, University of Cambridge
- November 3-6, Workshop on the Topology of hyperkähler manifolds, Rényi Institute, Budapest
- October 28, “Hyperkähler geometry and moduli spaces” (in Hungarian), Algebraic Geometry and Differential Topology Seminar, Renyi Institute, Budapest
- October 24, Geometry and analysis seminar, University of Oxford
- October 20, Algébre Géométrie Algébrique Topologie Algébraique séminaire, University of Montpellier
- October 17, l’Institut Fourier, Grenoble
- October 13, “ Arithmetic harmonic analysis, Macdonald polynomials and the topology of the Riemann-Hilbert monodromy map” Seminaire Chevalley, Paris
- Sep 14, “The Hitchin map (T and Langlands duality)” Geometry and string theory seminar, UT Austin
- Sep 7, “The Hitchin space (non-abelian Hodge theory)” Geometry and string theory seminar, UT Austin
- July 25-29, Moduli of Sheaves and cohomological methods, Summer Institute in Algebraic Geometry, University of Washington at Seattle
- June 10, “Aritmetikus harmonikus analizis es hyperkahler sokasagok kohomologiaja” (Arithmetic harmonic analysis and the cohomology of hyperkahler manifolds) Algebraic Geometry seminar, Renyi Institute, Budapest
- May 21-25 Moment maps in various geometries, Banff International Research Station
- May 15-19, Densest Packing of Spheres, Banff International Research Station
- May 13-14, “Quaternionic geometry of matroids”, Calgary workshop in Discrete geometry
- May 10-11, Symplectic Geometry Seminar, University of Toronto
- April 21, “Topology of the Riemann-Hilbert monodromy map via arithmetic haRmonic analysis “, Differential Geometry seminar; University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
- April 17, “Mirror symmetry and Langlands duality in the mixed Hodge structure of charaCter varieties of Riemann surfaces“, Special Session on Geometry and Physics, AMS sectional meeting, Santa Barbara
- February 22, “Topology of the Riemann-Hilbert monodromy map via arithematic harmonic analysis” , GADGET seminar, UT Austin
- 2004
- August 9-13, “Cohomology of hyperkahler quotients“, Moment Maps and Surjectivity in Various Geometries, American Institute of Mathematics, Palo Alto
- April 15, Geometry seminar, UT Austin: “On a conjecture on the mixed Hodge polynomial of the GL(n,C)-character variety of a Riemann surface “
- April 8, Colloquium at Rice University, Houston: “Quaternionic geometry of everything“.
- March 17-21,L^2 harmonic forms in geometry and string theory , American Institute of Mathematics, Palo Alto
- 2003
- December 19, Geometric Methods in Algebra and Number Theory, University of Miami: “Mirror symmetry, Langlands duality and representations of finite groups of Lie type”
- September 18, 2003 Geometry Seminar, UT Austin: Integrals on the moduli of Higgs bundles
- Feb. 21-23, Houston, Texas Geometry and Topology Conference, Mirror symmetry, Langlands duality and representations of finite groups of Lie type
- Feb 11, Number theory seminar, UT Austin: Mirror symmetry, Langlands duality and representations of finite groups of Lie type
- 2002
- Oct 8, 12 30 GADGET Seminar, UT Austin: Introduction to problems in quaternionic geometry III. Problems in quaternionic geometry
- Oct 1, 12 30 GADGET Seminar, UT Austin: Introduction to problems in quaternionic geometry II. Introduction to hyperkähler (quaternionic, N=4 supersymmetric) geometry
- Sep 24, 12 30 GADGET Seminar, UT Austin: Introduction to problems in quaternionic geometry I. The Kähler package
- April 9, Miller Institute for Basic Reaserch in Science: Problem solving by geometrization and algebraization: Present day implementation of Descartes’s program
- Mar 29, MSRI, Berkeley, Non-Abelian Hodge Theory, Part I: Higgs bundles and applications workshop: Intersection theory on the moduli space of Higgs bundles
- Mar 13, 2-3pm, MSRI, Berkeley, Intersection Theory on Stacks workshop: Intersection theory on toric hyperkahler varieties
- Feb 8, Berkeley Compactifications seminar: Why compactify?
- 2001
- Dec 17, 16.00 Budapesti Mûszaki Egyetem (Technical University of Budapest), H. 306: Matroidok Kvaternió Geometriája (Quaternionic Geometry of Matroids)
- Dec 14, 10.15 Rényi Institute, Budapest: Tükör szimmetria, Langlands dualitás és Hitchin rendszerek, (Mirror symmetry, Langlands duality and Hitchin systems)
- Nov 27, Upenn Math-Physics joint seminar: Mirror symmetry, Langlands duality and Hitchin systems
- Nov 19, Stanford Algebraic methods seminar: Quaternionic geometry of matroids
- Nov 10-11, 2001 Fall Western Section Meeting Irvine, CA , Extremal Metrics and Moduli Spaces: Mirror symmetry, Langlands duality and Hitchin systems
- Oct 15, Berkeley Combinatorics seminar titled: Quaternionic geometry of matroids
- Oct 4, Austin Geometry seminar titled: Quaternionic geometry and dualities in mathematics and physics
- Sep 11, Seminars on hyperKähler manifolds , Kyoto University: Yang-Mills instantons on Taub-NUT space
- Sep 10, Seminars on hyperKähler manifolds, Kyoto University: Cohomology rings of quiver varieties
- Sep 6, “Geometry of Moduli spaces and Integrable Systems”, Workshop in RIMS, Kyoto University, Japan : Mirror symmetry, Langlands duality and Hitchin systems
- June 1, Workshop on New Interfaces between Geometry and Physics, Miraflores de la Sierra, Madrid (Spain): Cohomology ring of Nakajima’s quiver varieties;
- April 20, joint Berkeley Differential Geometry and String Theory seminar: L^2 cohomology and Schwarzschild instantons;
- April 10, Stanford Topology seminar titled Mirror symmetry, Langlands duality and Hitchin systems ;
- April 2, Northern California Symplectic Geometry seminar: Cohomology ring of hyperkaehler quotients ;
- March 21, Berkeley Infinite dimensional algebras seminar: Mirror symmetry, Langlands duality and Hitchin systems ;
- March 19, Berkeley Combinatorics seminar : Combinatorics via topology of moduli spaces .